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Monday, November 27, 2006

Holiday Shopping Alternatives

Blogging live from our UCC booth! (jealous?)

Today Oxfam is chilling in the UCC CentreSpot making hemp bracelets, beaded necklaces, recycled Christmas card gift boxes, origami ninja stars (thanks Mike), decorated t-shirts and other arts and crafts to provide students with no-cost gift alternatives for the holiday season.

Also available is information about holiday charity donations, Arts for Aids prints, and other wicked gift ideas that can make a difference in the world. It's been an interesting afternoon full of finger cramps and pwning n00bs. All in the spirit of Buy Nothing Day!

Big thank you to everyone who stopped by!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

No-Sweat Photos

Check out some of the pictures taken at the No-Sweat Fashion Show. Oxfam and Amnesty talk Anti-Disney, and Oxfam execs Sarah and Mike work the runway. Click each to view a larger image.

Control Arms Booth

Check out Oxfam VP - Mike (2nd right), with Amnesty Exec - Rachel (far right), and Activist Mark (2nd left), along with another member (name unknown) working the Control Arms visual petition booth! Woot! Hot stuff! (no, literally, it was the warmest day in October...on Concrete Beach. We discovered why it's called a beach, that sun gets hot!) Everyone's hard work paid off! Thanks guys!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

No Sweat Success

A little late, but a big thanks should go out to all the Oxfamers that helped out with the No Sweat Fashion Show, it wouldn't have been as fun without you guys!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Testing....Testing....1, 2, 3...

Okay, if you are visiting this blog and you're name is not Mike, Sarah, or Heather...

Can you please leave a comment to this post? Just say hi or something. Or leave your name, doesn't matter.

Just want to see how many people are visiting this blog and how often.


Friday, November 03, 2006

No Sweat Display Booths.

If anyone can help with the No-Sweat show in making and/or setting up the displays and decorations, please email me personally asap. hperquin@uwo.ca Some of us are getting together saturday afternoon to put the stuff together.


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