Fair Ttrade Convergence in Boston!
Registration ends on January 15!
Dear Fellow Student and Community Activist,
It's my pleasure to invite you and the members of your organization to the 2007 United Students for Fair Trade Convergence taking place in Boston February 16-19th! The convergence will build upon the past accomplishments of USFT and continue to further its mission: to engage and inspire students to act for greater social and economic justice and equity around the world. USFT is a national network of student organizations advocating around Fair Trade products, policies, and principles. We have three main functions. First, we organize--we work to consolidate and coordinate the power of the over 100 active student Fair Trade organizations in the U.S. Second, we do leadership development and capacity building, primarily through intensive international exchanges and skill-building conferences. Last, we serve as a resource group for student-based affiliates looking for anything from a phone number to research materials to strategic advice to internship opportunities.
For more information about USFT and the 2007 Convergence check out www.usft.org.The core objective of USFT is to raise the awareness of and expand the demand for Fair Trade alternatives, both on campuses and in communities. Through this process, we redefine relationships between producer and consumer, and engage in the ongoing struggle to build people's power in the face of corporate-driven globalization.The 2007 USFT Convergence hopes to provide students with a comprehensive look at Fair Trade and its changing image amidst the rise in interdependence among governments and peoples and amidst the ever more globalized economy.
The key goals of the Convergence are as follows:
1. Facilitate an exchange of dialogue across cultures, perceptions, and experiences
2. Empower participants to organize in their communities
3. Embody accessibility through celebrating differences
4. Integrate a waste-free, environmentally sustainable focus.
If you'd like to look into the application or just more information about the Convergence, you can do so at http://www.ersvp.com/reply/2007usftconvergence. Financial Aid is available and can be designated on the application. If you have any questions at all, please contact us at outreach.usft@gmail.com. We'd love to hear from you! We can't wait to meet you and hope to hear from you soon!
All the Best,
Convergence Team
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